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Who is Brahma? Who is Parabhrama?Brahma is Gunatitanand and Parabhrama is Sahajand Swami
Who is Brahma? Who is Parabhrama?
Ehi mãgu kari vinay Hari, sadã rãkhiyo pãs...
He Krupãlo! He Bhaktapte! Bhaktavatsal! suno bãt; Dayãsindho! stavan kari, mãgu vastu sãt...
Complete the shloka
Nath nirantar ......... vastu sat. Nãth nirantar darsh tav, tav dãsanko dãs; |
Vishnu, Shiv, Ganapati, Parvati,
and Surya
Which five deities are to be revered by devotees as commanded in the Shikshapatri?
God Himself imparts any punishment to the person with firm conviction that God has a form, but no one
else has any authority over him.
Who punishes the person with firm conviction that God has a form?
DacoitWho was Vaalmiki before he became Rishi?
The guru initiates an aspirant into the Sampradaya with the mantra: "Kãl mãyã, pãp
karma, yamdut, bhayãdaham, Swaminarayan sharanam prapannosmi, sa pãtu mãm."
Which initiation mantra does the guru give to an aspirant?
Gadhpur, the bright half of the month
of Ashwin of S.Y. 1885
Where and in which year did Maharaj build the last temple ?
Just as one’s mind is polluted by association with the immoral, association with God or his Sant purifies one’s
mind. Even if one’s mind is polluted, it is purified by listening to the words of God and his Sant. (Gadhada I 18: Denouncing the Vishayas; A Haveli)
Just as one’s mind ........... God and his Sant.
The names of Ghanshyams brother are Rampratapbhai and Ichharambha
What was the name of Ghanshyam's brothers?
Zamkuba was a native of the village Vagad and had imbibed the values and culture of her family. She was married to the King of Udaipur, but he was of demoniac nature.
He was a non-vegetarian and ate all foods prohibited by the shastras. He even insisted that his queen eat such things against her will. To bring an end to this Zamkuba escapes from the tyranny of the palace harassment and decided to leave the comforts of the palace and run to the feet of God. She tied a rope of saris, descended secretly from her quarters and walked along the sewage track to exit the palace. She continued walking, but she did not know the way to Gadhada. By this time it was already daybreak. Fearing that the state soldiers would find her, she hid in the carcass of a camel lying in a trench. (Ch. 17, p. 64-65)
Zamkuba hid in the carcass of a camel
Nishkaam, Nirlobh, Niswaad,
Nissneh and Nirmaan
What are 5 rules that ascetics have to follow?
Ekantik Bhakt
What is a person known as who adheres to all four nishta/firmness/?