Sandy shores | Mudflats | Animals | Plants | Tides |
What are sandy shores mostly made out of?
What are mudflats mostly made out of?
Do snails switch shells or grow shells?
Snails grow shells.
What is the most common object you'll find in the sand?
Sea shells
What is the most common animal in the mudflats?
What animal switches shells as they grow?
Hermit crabs
What is another name for a sandy shore?
What is another name for mudflats?
Tidal flats
If a starfish looses a leg will it grow it back?
How does sand form?
by the tiny remains of rocks that erode down to small particles that are picked up by wind or water.
How are mudflats formed?
From silts, clay and organic matter that have been deposited by the moving tide and currents.
What is the most common animal that lives in shells?
What does a high tide bring to the shore?
Food and nutrients.
What are sandy shores?
they are loose deposits of sand, gravel or shells that cover the shoreline.
What is a mudflat?
are coastal wetlands that form when mud is deposited by tides or rivers.
Why do animals hide in the sand?
because they don't want to be pulled into the water or because they don't want to be eaten by other animals.
What is the most common plant in the beach?
the beach grass
What is an intertidal zone?
is the area exposed between high and low tides.