General | The 7 Commitments | Trauma Reenactment | Collective Disturbance | S.E.L.F |
What is Safety, Emotions, Loss & Future?
SELF stands for this
What is Non-Violence?
Being safe physically, emotionally, morally, and socially
What are victim, persecutor, rescuer?
The three roles in a trauma reenactment triangle
What is a collective disturbance?
This is a situation in which strong feelings become disconnected from their source and become attached to unrelated events or interactions
What is "how are you feeling?"
This question of a community meeting helps people recognize emotions and manage them
What are Non-violence, emotional intelligence, social learning, democracy, social responsibility, open communication, growth & change
Name 5 of the 7 commitments
What is social learning?
Learning from one another and respecting the ideas and opinions of others
What is traumatic reenactment?
The tendency to repeat traumatic experiences in behaviors & relationships
What are red flag meetings?
These are used to address critical situations and come up with solutions
What is "what is your goal for today?"
This question of a community meeting helps people to stay future focused
What is a community meeting?
The 3 questions are: How are you feeling? What is your goal? Who can you ask for help?
What is social responsibility?
Everyone contributing to the good of the community
Who is the victim?
During a traumatic reenactment triangle, this person looks to the rescuer to take care of them
What is a parallel process?
A collective disturbance is a type of this process
What is "who will you ask for help?"
This question helps to build relationships among participants of a community meeting
What is the Sanctuary toolkit?
Safety plans, team meetings, and self-care plans are a part of this
What is open communication?
Saying what you mean but not being mean when you say it
Who is the persecutor?
During a traumatic reenactment triangle, this person needs to blame someone
What are solutions?
This is the main focus during a red flag meeting
What is vicarious trauma?
This is also known as compassion fatigue, burnout or secondary trauma
Who are Dr. Sandra Bloom, Ruth Ann Ryan, Joseph Foderaro?
Name 1 of the 3 founding members of Sanctuary
What is Democracy?
Seeking feedback and input from others before making decisions
Who is the rescuer?
During a traumatic reenactment triangle, this person does not take responsibility for themselves, but instead takes care of the victim
What is a critical incident?
When one of these happens, someone should call a red flag meeting to address the incident with the team
What are "personal, professional, organizational, and social"?
These are the 4 categories of the Self-Care plan