Five Factor Model | Dark-Side Personality Traits | Perceiving Emotion Abilities | Components of Creative Intelligence |
What is Dependability
I usually make "to do" lists and tend to "practice what I preach"
What is Excitable
I have difficulties building teams because of my dramatic mood swings, emotional outbursts, and inability to persist on projects.
What is Managing Emotions
Self-Regulation, trustworthiness, conscientiousness
What are Personality Factors
Lower prudence, higher openness to experience, and higher surgency scores are related to creativity
What is Adjustment
I remain calm in high stress siguations
What is Diligent
I am a perfectionist and tend to micromanage my staff because I cannot efficiently delegate tasks.
What is Using Emotions
Motivation, achievement, commitment, optimism
What is Analytic Inteligence
This helps to evaluate the usefulness of potential solutions to problems
What is Surgency
I like having a large group of friends and having responsibility for others
What is Skeptical
I have an unhealthy mistrust of other and am constantly questioning the motives and integrity of others.
What is Perceiving Emotions
Self-awareness, emotional awareness
What is Practical Intelligence
Novel solutions to problems are usually based on relevant knowledge and experience
What is Openness to Experience
I like traveling to foreign countries, while trying to stay up to speed on certain topics.
What is Reserved
I tend to become extremely withdrawn, and uncommunicative during times of stress
What is Understanding Emotions
Empathy, developing others, diversity
What is Intrinsic Motivation
People tend to generate more create solutions when the problem at hand is personally interesting.