Basic Samantha | Likes & Dislikes | Who is Ried Gaa? | Sam on the Go | Mrs. Gaa |
What is November 2nd, 1990
When is Sam’s birthday?
What is Belly Buttons
Out of these three, what does Sam dislike the most: Baths, Belly Buttons or the Yankees?
What is Santa Clara University (Swig)
What did Sam & Reid meet?
What is Copenhagen, Denmark
Where did Sam Study abroad?
What is No
Is Sam going to change her last name?
What is Wayland, MA
Where did Sam grow up?
What is his patience or back tickle every night (tmi)
Sam’s favorite thing about Reid?
What is Machu Picchu
Where did Reid propose?
What is Europe
Where did Sam go backpacking by herself?
What is Mexico
Where are Sam & Reid honeymooning?
What is 19 years old
How old was Sam when she met Reid?
What is he doesn't like chores
Sam’s least favorite thing about Reid?
What is the Arsenals
What is Reid’s favorite Soccer team?
What is Lisbon
What is Sam’s favorite country?
What is summer of 2023
When does Sam want to have kids?
What is September 3rd, 2019
What date did Reid propose to Sam?
What is Seafood
What food group does Sam not eat?
What is Stubbornness
What does Reid like least about Sam?
What is South America
Where is next on Sam’s bucket list?
What is Walnut Creek
If Sam and Reid buy a home in the bay area where would it be?
What is Track
What sports team was Sam a part of in Middle School?
What is stone fruit
What is Sam allergic to?
What is
What does Reid love the most about about Sam?
What is Bisby
Where is Sam’s favorite place in the world?
Samoyed - Sven
What breed will be Sam and Reid's first dog? Bonus points if you guess the name!