Tide and Plants | The Importance of the Salt Marsh | Biotic and Abiotic factors |
Yes. Tides distribute nutrients to life throughout the marsh.
Do tides play an important role in the ecology of a salt marsh ecosystem?
Salt Marsh
What ecosystem is one of the most biologically productive habitats on the planet?
- water
- mud - oxygen - oxbows - rocks/pebbles - clay - salt - sand
Name 3 Abiotic factors
(Answer may vary) |
Once. The tide rises in the morning, and it falls at night.
How many times does the cycle of tide rising and falling occur each day?
What do salt marshes protect the shoreline from?
- crustacean
- fish species - marsh hares - insects - plants - bacteria - birds - snakes
Name 3 Biotic Factors
(Answers may vary) |
Marsh Grass.
Crustaceans and fish use this plant to nurse and protect their young.
Because it is made of mud and peat
Why is it called a marsh?
Raccoons and herons use the grass to protect themselves and they forage it for food.
What other animals use the Marsh grass as protection? (NOT FISH OR CRUSTACEANS)
A marsh is a type of wetland that is mostly plants
What is a Marsh?
In low wave action areas.
Where do most of the plants grow in the marsh?
What is caused by the growth of bacteria which produces the sulfurous rotten-egg smell that is often associated with marshes and mud flats?