Salsify 101 | Who's Who | Data Pools | Platform | Selling Salsify |
What is Salsify's company chat tool?
Who is Jason Purcell at Salsify?
This platform capability was the original retailer sharing mechanism prior to Salsify acvitation?
Every import into Salsify is required to contain this property?
Product ID
Where do you request investment hours?
What was the name of the company previously founded by Rob Gonzales and Jason Purcell?
Who is Antione Diureux at Salsify?
Founder of Alkemics
Who certifies Salsify's GDSN Data pool?
Under which menu tab do customers manage their heirarchies?
This is the name of Salsify's Services division?
In May 2021, what company did Salsify acquire?
`Who is SVP of Global Customer Success at Salsify?
Ashley Stallings
(Possible Double Jeopardy question.). These are the 4 levels of GDSN packaging heirarchy?
Each, Pack, Case, Pallet
How does Salsify get product content to Wayfair?
Templated Export
Salsify solutions help Brand Manufacturers, Retailers and __ Drive results?
What is the community of manufacturing executives who strategize how to sin on the digital shelf?
The Digital Shelf
Who is one of Salsify's co-founders & CDO?
Jeremy Redburn
A common term for any entity sending/receiving item data via GDSN data pool.
Trading Partner
How much did Salsify invest in R&D in 2021?
What Salsify co-founder can often be found in front of a whiteboard?
Rob Gonzalez
Who is Salsify's GS1 expert that also lives in New Jersey?