What is "Data Explained/Validated (No Escalation)"?
You tied out data for a client on your own.
What is "Research Insight"?
A client calls about GICS in Research Insight
What is "*is_msa_cs"?
For MSA stock reports, this is where we initially send data to be validated.
What is "Aux 2 (Research)"?
The AUX code you use if you are researching your questions from your case?
What is "Case Comments"?
This section is used to note why a case should be deleted.
What is "Data Verified"?
FR confirmed data was correct for a company.
What is "Other"?
A client calls about Outlook Online.
What is "*is_sdca_cs"?
For GICS add requests, this is where we initially escalate to.
What is "Aux 6 (Daily Dept Admin)"?
The AUX code you use if you are researching someone else's questions from their case?
What is "Competitor Comparison"?
This Action Code is used when a client compares our data/product to Bloomberg.
What is "S&P Network/Site/Page Issue"?
The MarketScope Advisor page is down.
What is "Other"?
A client calls about finding Xpressfeed data definitions.
What is "[email protected]"?
The address to have as a cc: so the escalation email attaches back to your case.
What is "Assign to other consultants"?
You do this with your open cases when you go on vacation.
What is "Type=Data"?
The only Case Type that requires the companies/data items questioned/incorrect fields to be filled out.
What is "Created Expressions/SQL Query"?
You created an SQL query for Xpressfeed.
What is "Vendor"?
A client calls about the WRDS Xpressfeed product.
What is "*is_global_data_cs"?
The initial group you escalate to for global data questions.
Who is "Timothy Shea"?
This client must be responded to in regards to Businessweek.com requests.
What is "3 times"?
The number of times you should try to contact a client with an answer.
What is "Production Error"?
Monthly prices are missing for 100 companies on the latest RI database.
What is "Xpressfeed"?
A vendor, Factset, calls about Xpressfeed.
What is "*is_pss_cs"?
If prices are missing in XF but not in MDM, this is where you initially escalate to.
What is the "Libraries tab"?
The tab in SFDC where the new 2014 SFDC Training Manual is located.
What is "11:30-1:30"?
You should never AUX out during this time without manager approval.