Merrimack Facts | Sak/MAC Pack | Building Info | Brandon/Dom | Area Managers |
What is 1947
Merrimack College was founded in this year
What is the wolf
This is the mascot Sak/MAC pack
Where is 27 Rock Ridge Rd
This is where the campus services offices are located
Who is Brandon (& Chris Sokol)
This staff member is an Eagle Scout
Who is Donny
This is the oldest area manager
What is Fr. Ray Dlugos
This man is the Vice President of Mission and Student Affairs
What is Bradley Divincenzo
This is the youngest member of the Sak/MAC Pack
What is 12
This is the number of glass doors to the front of the MAC
Who is Kelsey
This is Brandon’s girlfriends first name
What are
-Donny: Criminology -Kylie S: Nursing -Kiley D: Secondary Ed & Math -Brian: Computer Science -Margaret: Business Admin
These are the majors of the area managers
What is Enlighten Hearts, Engage Minds, and Empower Lives
This is Merrimack College’s mission statement.
What is eight
This is the number of states Sak/MAC staff members are from?
What is 5
This is the amount of flyerts that can be submitted to the Campus Services for approval to be hung in the Sak.
What is Edward (Fun fact it’s Donny’s middle name too)
This is Brandon’s middle name
What is 10 years
This is the number of years combined that the area managers have worked on staff
What is 2010
This is the year President Hopey started at Merrimack
Who is Morgan Thayer
These staff members have siblings that are alumni of the Sak/MAC pack.
What is 11
This is the number of fire extinguishers located on the second and third floor of the Sak.
What is 17
This is the number of years Dom has worked at Merrimack
What is 3
This is the number of area managers who lived in Monican their freshman year
What is 14
This is the number of townhouses located on campus
Who are:
Donny & Connor S. Kylie S. & Maddy D. Margaret, Sarah, & Kara Vanni, Meghan H., & Jill R. Connor N., Cole, & Ryan Kaleigh & Ava
These staff members are roomates/suitemates with other staff members
What is 621
This is the amount of chairs located in the MPR
What is WPI
This is the college that Dom started his Bachelor’s Degree at
What are
-Donny: Needham, MA -Kylie S: Spencer, MA -Kiley D: Sudbury, MA -Brian: Stow, MA -Margaret: Wells, ME
These are the area managers hometowns