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What is Gabriel?
The angel to whom Mary said "Yes!" when he announced to her that she would bear the son of God.
What is canonized?
The term that describes saints who are officially recognized by the Church.
Who is Elizabeth?
The elderly cousin whom Mary visited during her pregnancy.
What is blessed?
This is what a person is called before they are canonized as a saint.
What is the Immaculate Conception?
The doctrine that teaches that Mary was conceived without Original Sin.
Who is Blessed Pope John Paul II?
This famous person was beatified (declared "blessed") by the Church on May 1, 2011.
What is the Assumption?
The event in which Mary was assumed, body and soul, into heaven.
What is ONE OR TWO MIRACLES and EVIDENCE THAT THE PERSON LIVED A LIFE OF "HEROIC VIRTUE"? (Only one miracle is required if the person was martyred.)
These are two of the most important requirements that must be met before a person can be recognized as a saint by the Church.
Who are St. Anne and St. Joachim?
These two saints are the parents of Mary.
This is what someone is called once the Church begins investigating the cause for their sainthood, but before they are beatified (declared "blessed").