His Work | Claret's Life | Claret Helping People | Religious Words | Religious Figures |
The Claretians
Claret founded the congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate heart of Mary. This group is also known as...
Sallent, Spain
Where was Claret born?
Claret built a place for people to learn...
What is the house of God called?
Who is the Son of God?
3,100 members
How many members were in the group of Claretians in the 21st century?
December 23, 1807
When was Claret born?
Claret built a place for people who are sick to get better...
What is a person who follows Jesus called?
Who created the Earth and the Universe?
five continents
How many continents did Claret have missions in?
Ten brothers and sisters
How many brothers and sisters did Claret have?
Vocational school
He built a place for people to help them get a job...
What is the book called where we learn about Jesus?
Pope Francis
Who is the Pope?
Catalan, Spanish, French, and Latin
What languages did Claret know?
Spirituality and agriculture
What were Claret's books about?
October 24, 1870
When did Claret pass away?