Calling 911 | Talking to Strangers | Fire Safety | Vehicle Safety | Weather Safety |
If your neighbors house is on fire what should you do?
Call 911
When should you talk to strangers?
If you are on fire what should you do?
Stop, Drop, and Roll
When should you wear your seat belt?
Every time you are in a moving vehicle
What should you always have in case of an emergency like an earthquake or tornado?
A plan! Know what you're going to do
Name two emergencies where 911 should be called
Medical Emergency, Fire, Intruder
Is walking alone a good idea?
No, walk with a friend or adult
Is playing with matches and lighters a good idea?
What do helmet protect?
your head
Is it okay to go swimming during a thunderstorm?
No, stay out of the water and get indoors
If someone else is hurt badly should you call 911?
If you feel uncomfortable around someone you don't know what should you do?
Find an adult you know and trust
If your house is on fire is it okay to run back in the house to get something you forgot?
NOO, never run back inside
Can seat belts save lives?
Yes, so always wear them!
What should you do if there is an earthquake?
Stop what your doing and get under something sturdy
Should you call 911 if an a argument with your friend?
If suspicious of someone what should you do?
Tell a trusted adult and get help
What should you have on the ceiling of you house in case of a fire?
Smoke/Fire Alarms
If your parents are not wearing a seat belt while driving should you do the same?
NOO, always wear your seat belt and tell your parents to too
Where should you go if there is a tornado?
When should you call 911?
Only in a emergency
What phone numbers should you know in case of en emergency?
911, home phone, parents phone
If there is a fire in your house what should you do?
Get out and call 911
When should you wear a helmet?
Anytime riding bike, skateboard, scooter, etc.
Where should you go in case of flood?
Move to safe area or high ground