Safety & Protection Professional Responsibilities Research Act it out Misc.
Head: level, facing forward, in line with trunk
Shoulders: relaxed
Trunk: maintain upright position with lumbar support
Wrists: parallel to floor
Feet: flat on floor
Computer: 20 inches from eyes, 10 degrees below horizontal
Provide 5 corrections to improve Bob’s posture.
Doorway (Max 32 inch width)
Hallway (36 inch width)
U-turn radius (60 inch width, 78 inch length)
Forward reach (low = 15inch, high = 48 inch)
Bathroom sink (29-40 inch height)
Bathroom toilet (17-19 inches height, grab bar required)
Hotel (2% of rooms be accessible)
Parking space (2% of spaces be accessible)
Ramps (8.3% incline grade)
Provide 6 wheelchair accessibility requirements.
Example: Carpeting must be ½ inch pile or less.
Interrater Reliability
The consistency of measurements made by more than one person

Intrarater Reliability
The consistency of repeated measurements made by the same person
Interrater Reliability
Intrarater Reliability
Cover the mouth/nose using the inside of the elbow.
Demonstrate the current respiratory etiquette technique for sneezing/coughing.
Name the 5 stages of dying.
Contact Precautions:
Standard precautions, Private room

Droplet Precautions:
Maintain 3ft distance from patient, Private room
Wear mask within 3ft of patient + standard precautions

Airborne Precautions:
Negative pressure private room
Respiratory protection + standard precautions
What are the 3 modes of transmission for infectious pathogens?
Provide one precautionary measure to take for each mode, to reduce the risk of transmission.
Communicate with other treating professionals
Assistance with discharge planning
Assistance with utilization review
A legal document regarding the course of therapy
Proof that care is reasonable and necessary
What are 4 purposes of documentation?
Face validity
The degree that a measurement appears to test what it’s supposed to.

Criterion-related validity
Validity of a measurement that is established by comparing it to the “gold standard” measurement.
Define the following:
Face validity
Criterion-related validity
Every 10min.
Patient comfort
Positioning for treatment
Promote body system functioning
Prevent secondary impairments
Demonstrate a pressure relief activity for the buttocks and sacrum in a sitting position.
How often should this be performed?
What are the goals for proper positioning?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
5 titles, but therapists are usually only involved with titles II & III, as they address physical accessibility.
What Act, signed into law in 1990 was designed to reduce barriers and allow increased independence for disabled citizens?
Into how many titles is the Act divided?
Max Assist 75%
Mod Assist 50%
Min Assist 25%
What % of a transfer does the therapist perform for a:
Max Assist
Mod Assist
Min Assist
A moral obligation of health care providers to act for the benefit of others.

The obligation of health care providers to above all else, do no harm.
Define the following:
Mean – Sum of all values divided by number of values (arithmetic average).
Median – The point which 50% of values are below and above.
Mode – The value that occurs most frequently
Define the following descriptive statistic terms:
Expose an area for treatment
Patient comfort & modesty
Protect clothing from becoming soiled/damaged
Protect vulnerable areas such as wounds, scars or stumps
Demonstrate proper draping technique for upper extremity treatment.
What are 3 purposes of draping?
Self-actualization needs
To realize one’s full potential as a human being

Esteem needs
The need to feel good about oneself and feel
respect and appreciation

Affiliative needs
Need for security and stability

Physiological needs
Need for basic things necessary for survival
Re-order and define Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs from the most basic to the uppermost level:
Affiliative needs, Esteem needs, Self-actualization needs, Physiological needs
Lift, to avoid sheet burn.
Intolerance, redness, decubiti
2hrs, or more often if pt. has fragile skin or decreased circulation/sensation.
Positioning a patient in bed, you should use a drag (or) lift technique, check for signs of _______ after 5-10min and reposition every ______min/hr.
Private health insurance companies
Stock companies, Mutual companies, Non-profit insurance plans

Independent health plans
Health maintenance organizations, self-insurance plans

Government health insurance
Medicare, Medicaid
Name the 3 major classifications of health insurance companies and provide 1 example of each.
Systematic reviews / Meta-analyses
Randomized controlled trials
Cohort studies
Case control studies
Cross-sectional studies
Case Series
Case Reports
Reorder the following types of studies according to their level of relevance:
Ideas/Opinions, Cohort studies, Case control studies, Systematic reviews / Meta-analyses, Case Reports, Randomized controlled trials, Case Series, Cross-sectional studies
Stand to the affected side.
Grasp the safety belt
Direct the patient to step “up with the good” and “down with the bad” during stair climbing.
Step with the patient during gait on level surfaces.
Remain static when patient is climbing/descending stairs.
Stand below patient during stair training.
Demonstrate the proper Guarding Technique for a patient during ambulation on level surface & ascending/descending stairs.
A legal document that informs your family and healthcare professionals of your preferred care if you become unable to make medical decisions.
3 Types:
Texas Medical Power of Attorney
Living Will
Out-of-Hospital Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order
What is an Advanced Directive and how many types are recognized in Texas?
Non-weight bearing
Toe Touch weight bearing
Partial weight bearing
Weight bearing as tolerated
Full weight bearing
What are the 5 Levels of Weight Bearing?
Nature of the procedure
Alternatives to the intervention
Risks & Benefits
Assessment of patient understanding
Patient acceptance of the intervention
What are 3 elements that should be discussed with a patient with regard to Informed Consent?
Qualitative research
Categorical data of a non-numeric characteristic.
Example: blood type, hair color, etc.

Quantitative research
Counted or measured data.
Example: number of persons who have fallen off of the toilet.
Define Qualitative & Quantitative research. Provide an example of each.
Determine the patient is unresponsive/lack of pulse
Call a code (if possible)
Send for help (if possible)
Begin compressions w/ ventilation (30:2)
100/min pace
Allow full chest recoil between compressions
Tilt head during ventilation technique
Administer AED as soon as possible
Perform the necessary steps required when a patient has become unresponsive and no pulse is detected.
What are the four types of Team Models?

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