What is an accident
An unexpected event that can lead to injury
What is rescue breathing
An emergency technique in which a rescuer gives air to someone who is not breathing
What is eat/drink, inhale, absorb, bite/sting
Name one way you can be poisoned
What is use sidewalks, face traffic, use crosswalks, look both ways, make sure driver sees you, avoid night walks, don't wear headphones
Name a tip to stay safer when walking
What are soap and water
Most cuts must be washed with what
What is violence
Using physical force to hurt someone or to cause damage
What is CPR
An emergency technique used to save a victim who isn't breathing and who does not have a heartbeat
What is anything poisonous taken in through the mouth
Name a way a person can be poisoned by ingestion (eating/drinking)
What is wear safety equipment, watch traffic, follow road rules, wear the right clothes, do it with people, do it in designated areas, avoid night riding
Name a tip to stay safer when biking or skating
What is directly to the wound
Where do you apply pressure to a wound
What are falls, fires, electrical shock, and poisoning
Name one of the four common types of accidents that occur at home
What is Airway, Breathing, and Circulation
What are the ABCs of first aid or what is CAB?
What is poison ivy/oak or contact with any poisonous item
Name a way a person can be poisoned by absorption (through the skin)
What is don't distract the driver, stay seated, make sure driver can see you when you get off the bus, learn where emergency exits are
Name a tip to stay safer when riding the bus.
What is add more gauze - DO NOT remove the original gauze
If the gauze is soaked through, what do you do
What is walk away and tell and adult. DO NOT touch it
What should you do if you find a gun
What is 1 breath every 5 seconds
Adult rescue breathing consists of how many breaths every how many seconds
What is inhalation
Carbon monoxide poisoning is an example of poisoning by this method
What are seat belts, air bags, and car seats
Name three things that make riding in a car safer
What is to prevent the spread of disease to you or the victim
Why should you wear gloves
What is think before you act, pay attention, know your limits, refusal skills, safety equipment, change risky behavior, and change risky situations
Name one of the seven ways to protect yourself
What is 30 compressions and 2 breaths
A cycle of CPR consists of how many compressions and breaths
What is 1-800-222-1222
What is the number for the Poison Control Center
What is 14
Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death for people under what age
What are abrasion, amputation, avulsion, incision, laceration, or puncture
Name three types of wounds