A drink is a drink | Drink Spiking | Drug awareness | Passed Out | General safety awareness |
What is Perception
The old lady/young lady picture is an example of?
What is False
it’s okay for other people to go up to the bar to buy your drinks while you are breaking it down on the dance floor - True or False?
What is Fenanyl, OxyContin, Percocet
Painkillers that are often abused
What is...Ignoring the odds.
“It won’t happen to me.” “Those things only happen to other people.”
An example of magical thinking is...
What is Home
Always know how you are getting...
What is fun, normal passage for teens, socializing, relationship building, learning who you are.
Three benefits of attending parties are?
False, it may have a slightly salty taste.
GHB can sometimes taste sweet when added to a drink? True or False?
What is Pharm party or skittling
A gathering where teenagers indiscriminately take prescription drugs.
what is...death - overdose - sexual assault - alcohol poisoning
Possible outcome of drinking until you pass out
Alcohol Poisoning
Cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin could indicate…………………….
What is Binge drinking, drinking too much
Drunk or buzzed driving, or getting into a vehicle with someone who has had too much to drink Unprotected sex Drug overdose Drink spiking Sexual assault Gatecrashing Physical assaults and fights Damage to your property, vandalism Getting arrested Personal injury-fall down Theft
Three risks of partying are?
What is rohypnol, GHB, Ketamine
"date rape" drugs can otherwise be known as?
What is Marijuana and alcohol
The two drugs most commonly used by teenagers
alcohol in the stomach may continue to enter the blood stream. the person’s life may still be in danger.
a person is still able to be poisoned by alcohol if they have passed out and are sleeping it off?
Lay them on their side and
watch them closely.
If your friend has been poisoned by alcohol, what should you do to prevent them from choking on their own vomit?
Alcohol poisoning, coma, unconsciousness, death.
Drinking games encourage Binge drinking which can can lead to...
What is Ketamine or "K"
The drug that is also used as a horse tranquilizer
What is Ritalin, Adderal, Concerta,
Example of a stimulant drug
Call 911, Do CPR
If your friend has passed out from drinking and is not breathing, what should you begin to do immediately.
What is Water
Partiers should drink what in between their drinks?
What is Time.
What is the best way to sober up faster?
What is undercover colours
Nail polish that can let you know if your drink was spiked
What is at home, usually their parents prescriptions.
The place where teens general find prescription drugs
more than 8 seconds between breaths is considered a slow respiration or 8 breaths or less per minute
How many seconds between breaths would be worrisome if someone passes out while drinking?
Condoms, and always get consent.
What item might you take with you to a party, in case you decide to have sex? And always............?