Safavid Level 1 | Safavid Level 2 | Ottoman Empire |
Capital city of Safavid empire ?
Imam Hussain was killed in Karbala, in this event they reflect on pain/suffering which Imam Hussain went through.
What do you mean by Ashura ? Who celebrates it ?
Clue : Related to Imam Hussain |
Safavid empire existed in which country ?
Note: Country presently called as. |
1] End of Ramdan
[2] Forgiveness, helping poor [3] Namaz in Mosque/Jamat-Khana [4] Offer shukar (gratitude) to Allah
When do we celebrate EID-UL-FITR ? OR
Tell something about EID UL FITR ? (Your answer should match) |
Islam (Muslims)
Shia (Ismailis and Itnasharis)
[1] Dominant religion practiced in Safavid ?
[2] Some more information |
Sacrifice (anything for GOD)
Event related to EID UL ADHA OR
Symobilc meaning |
Itnasharis believe in - How many Shia Imams ?
Note: tell the number. |
Imam Mustansir billah to Khalil Allah Ali
Name of the city in which many of our Imam lived in Iran ?
Ashura (month of Muhaaram)
Festivals of Itnasharis ?
(apart from EID ) |
Shah Abbas was a ruler.
Baha al-din Muhammad Amili --> build mosques, bazaars etc.
Who was Shah Abbas and name the architech/scholar who built Isfahan ?