Confirmation | Baptism | Saints | Confirmation | Confirmation |
What is laying on of hands
What is the anointing with oil
Signs of Confirmation by the Bishop
What is the sign of Baptism
Pouring of water on forehead
Who is the friend of animals
St. Francis of Assisi
When the Apostles received the Holy Spirit
How do candidates prepare for Confirmation
Praying, studying, service
What is blessed oil
Who does the parents choose to be with us when we are Baptized
Who was a mother, widow, educator and foundress of the Sisters of Charity
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Who are the followers of Jesus
What are adults and older children called who are preparing to receive Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist
What is person who stands with us at Confirmation
What does Baptism do
Cleanse us of Original Sin
Who is the patron of our school
St. Catharine of Alexandria
Who are those preparing for Confirmation
What were the signs of the Holy Spirit coming at the first Pentecost
Wind and tongues of fire
Who confirms us
Who usually baptizes us
Priest or deacon
Who is the Little Flower
St. Theresa of Lisieux
What is an important thing to do before you are confirmed
Who baptized 3000 people at Pentecost telling them to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
St. Peter
When did the Apostles receive Confirmation
What is a patron saint
A saint we are named after
Who had the stigmata
St. Francis or Padre Pio
When do we first receive grace
What is the age of our candidates going to be confirmed
Ages 12-14