Men of the Bible Women of the Bible
What is Moses
I was the adopted son of Pharaoh. Later, God called me to go back to Egypt and free my people. Who am I?
What is Eve
I am the mother of all people. I lived in Eden. Who am I?
What is David
I fought a giant named Goliath because he said bad things about my God. Who am I?
What is Sarah
I laughed at God when I told my husband that I would have a baby at the age of 90 years old. Who am I?
What is Noah
I have three sons. God told me He was going to send a flood, so I needed to build an ark, which is a very big boat. So I did. Who am I?
What is Sampson
I am a judge in Israel. God told my parents to never cut my hair. My hair was a symbol of my strength. I was the strongest man in the Bible. Who am I?
What is Solomon
When I was very young, God spoke to me in a dream and asked what do I want. I told Him that I wanted wisdom. I was the wisest and smartest man who ever lived. Who am I?

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