Categories | Engineering | Digital and Brand | CCPD | Project Management and Processes |
What is Water/Feed, Waste, Doors, Containment/Avoidance, Tracking/Training, Toys/Behavior, Travel/Access
These are the seven categories at RSC.
Who is Randy Wacasey, Waterman Chao, Chris Morgan.
These 3 directors oversee our mechanical and electrical engineers.
What is PetSafe, Premier Pet, Invisible Fence, SportDOG, Kurgo.
These are the 5 primary brands that represent RSC.
What is Empathize, Insights, Design, Develop, Commercialize?
These are the 5 main elements of the CCPD process
Who is Autumn Duerhing?
This person is responsible for overseeing all project managers and processes for project management
What is Waste and Containment
These two categories are responsible for the majority of sales within the company.
What is Insights/Design
It is during the phase of the CCPD process that engineer typically enters.
Who is Karla Attanasio?
As brand director, this person is responsible for overall brand strategy both domestically and internationally.
What is funnel gate?
This is the first "gate" in the CCPD process, taking place after Insights
What is project update meeting?
This is the term designated by PUM
What is Jen Marler, Johanna Morris, Zain Inkleberger, Mandie Sweetham, Kelly Yaremchuck, Kevin Lee, Denelle Grant.
These are the names of each category manager for the PetSafe brand.
Who is Albert Lee?
As VP of engineering, this person overseas all projects that engineers are working through and allocates resources.
What is Click Rate Optimization?
This term is designated by the initials CRO, and is led by Stephen Doucette and his team.
What is development gate?
This is the second "gate" in the CCPD process, taking place after design
What is time, cost, or quality?
These are the 3 primary metrics that are selected from as the guiding principle of a project.
What is Containment?
This category is the oldest category at RSC.
What is a design patent and a utility patent?
These are the two types of patents that engineers will often seek for product designs.
Who is Melanie Sadler?
This person leads our Amazon content team, and is responsible for optimizing and updating Amazon product listings.
What is launch gate?
This is the third "gate" in the CCPD process, taking place after development
Who is Cora Fleming?
This person leads our marketing project managers
What is the ROI workbook?
This deliverable is required to be completed by all categories in order to enter the funnel.
What is software engineering?
Over half of this engineering team resides in our Ireland office.
What is the Young Professional and The Family Guy?
These two customer segments are the primary segments that PetSafe brand targets
What is Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test?
These are the 5 steps to Human Centered Design-Thinking, which CCPD was originally modeled for RSC.
What is JIRA?
This software is used as a ticketing system to create project deliverables for individual teams.