Key Terms | Systems of Domination | The House that Racism Built | Famous Figures | Colonial Beginnings |
What is self-deception?
A lie you tell but are intimately connected to and aware of
What is feudalism?
A social system with lords at the top and serfs at the bottom
They were cheap, plentiful, and identifiable
Three reasons why Africans were seen as the ideal labor supply for the colonies
Who is Christopher Columbus?
The person who said about indigenous people of the Bahamas, “With only 50 men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.”
What is Jamestown, VA?
The first permanent English settlement in North America founded in 1607
What are the blues?
Autobiographical sorrow songs born out of the plantation slavery experience
What is racism?
______ created the races for its purpose of domination
_____ of the first ten presidents owned slaves
Who is Maya Angelou?
The late African American poet, activist, and author of "Still I Rise"
What is 1619?
First slaves were brought to the what would become the United States in this year
What is power?
The ability to achieve purpose or the production of intended effects
What is the Spanish empire?
The majority of Africans brought to the Americas as slaves went to the territories of this European empire
What is the three-fifths compromise?
The section of the Constitution that enabled southern slaveholders to count their slaves partially as population and partially as property to boost their population numbers
Who is W. E. B. Dubois?
The African American intellectual who said that the “problem of the 20th century was the problem of the color line”
Who were indentured servants, Redemptioners, and convicts?
Three groups of Europeans that came to the colonies in an effort to replace forcible indigenous labor
What is subjugation?
To take advantage of or exploit unjustly
What is white supremacy?
the unnamed ideology that made the modern world what it is today, created and perpetuated by Europeans and people of European descent
The number of the 55 delegates to the First Constitutional Convention who voted to abolish slavery
Who is Hernan Cortes?
The Spanish explorer who conquered Aztec territory in 1521
What is necklace with tokens?
Columbus used this to determine how much gold each Indian produced every three months
What is the bourgeoisie?
A French word and Marxist concept that refers to the upper middle class elites of a society
What are encomiendas?
Spanish plantation systems where the Spanish enslaved indigenous peoples; similar to concentration camps
The relentless frenzy for profit and the total dehumanization based on racial hatred
Two characteristics that distinguished American slavery from other forms of slavery
Who is John Brown?
Leader of the rebellion at Harper’s Ferry
What is the Bahamas/Hispaniola?
Columbus' first point of landing in the Americas