What is glass?
With a 92% light transmittance rate, acrylic plastic is clearer than a standard sheet of this.
What is A BISHOP?
It's the chess piece that moves only diagonally.
What is 1969?
The year Royal Bath was started
Who is Ulysses S Grant?
This man became Lt. General in 1864 and assumed command of all U.S. armies.
What is a liquid?
Acrylic is a thermoplastic, which means after it's produced it can be reheated into this.
What is a hippopotamus?
The name of this African mammal means "river horse."
What is the Delaware River?
Washington crossed this river on Dec 25, 1776 to attack Hessian troops located at Trenton, NJ.
What is heat?
Standard glue does not work on acrylic. To glue acrylic, you'd have to use special chemical solvents, or this.
What is Beijing?
In August 2008, the Summer Olympics took place in this Asian city.
Who is Winston Churchill?
This Brit won the 1953 Nobel Prize for Literature, partly for his six-volume history of World War II
What is Plexiglass?
Rohm and Haas brought acrylic to market in 1933, under this more commonly known trade name.
What is pink?
It's the most common color of toilet paper in France.
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
It was the acquisition of 828,000 square miles by Thomas Jefferson from Napoleonic France for $15M.
What is a periscope?
Acrylic was widely used in WWII for gun turrets, airplane windows, and this submarine observational instrument.
What is Mr. Potato Head?
April 30, 1952. It was the first toy to be advertised on television.
Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
His assassination in Sarajevo is considered the most immediate cause of World War I.