Fix and Passepartout.
Who did Fogg give his profits to? (Profit is the amount of money he had left, after spending money on his trip).
He agreed to help Phileas on his journey to England and to work together with Mr. Fix.
What did Passepartout agree to do with Mr. Fix?
England (Liverpool)
Where did Fix arrest Fogg?
America was not controlled under British law so the warrant would not work.
Why was the warrant useless once Fogg and his friends went to San Francisco?
He had 1000 pounds.
How much money did Phileas have in the end?
Andrew Speedy.
Who was the captain of the Henrietta?
Goods, not people.
What does Mr. Speedy usually carry in his steamer?
They had the fight in the last carriage on the train.
Where did Fogg and Proctor have their fight?
Mr. Fix gave him too much to drink. He fell because he was drunk.
Why did Passepartout fall to the ground after talking to Mr. Fix?
He refused to take Phileas and his friends on his boat, no matter how much money Phileas offered to him.
How was the captain of the Henrietta being stubborn?
Who did Stamp W. Proctor hit?
A beautiful, loving wife.
What had Fogg gained from his journey?
In Japan. He got a job as an acrobat in the "Long Noses".
Where did Passepartout get a job?
1. The warrant would not arrive.
2. Fogg was very kind to him. 3. He had to worry about Passepartout telling Phileas everything.
Give 2 reasons why Fix was unhappy during the journey.
He told the priests to report Passepartout because Passepartout had gone into the temple without shoes. The priests told the police and Passepartout and Phileas were taken by the police in Calcutta.
How did Mr. Fix get Phileas and Passepartout into trouble in Calcutta?
Who owned the sledge?
He counted 80 days instead of 79. He did not realize that he gained an extra day by travelling east. He thought it was Sunday instead of Saturday.
What mistake had Fogg made?
San Francisco.
Where did Passepartout find Phileas after they had been separated?
He feels bad because he brought Aouda to England, but he has no money to support her. He is poor.
Why does Fogg ask Aouda for forgiveness?
Fogg paid the workers so that they listen to him. He locked up Captain Speedy in one of the cabins and took control of the boat.
How did Fogg get the Henrietta to go to Liverpool instead of Bordeaux?
John Bunsby.
Who is the captain of the Tankadere?
He suggested for the passengers to walk across the bridge, and then for the train to follow.
What idea did Passepartout have when they had to go over the bridge, but the bridge would not support the train?
Where did the Rangoon stop before arriving in Hong Kong?
He thinks he should have told his master everything about Fix, so he thinks it's his fault that they lost the bet.
Why did Passepartout feel guilty?
He went to see the Reverend because Fogg and Aouda wanted to get married the next day, but he was not home. Then he realized it was actually Saturday and not Sunday.
How did Passepartout realize Fogg's mistake?