Prefixes | Roots | Suffixes | Spelling Words | Unknown Words |
In the word important, what is the prefix?
Write or record
What does the root graph mean?
Progressive verbs
What kind of verb is the suffix ing added to?
What suffix is added to a verb that makes it a noun?
Someone who studies the heart.
What does the word cardiologist mean?
It is the word added to the beginning of another word.
What is a prefix?
Turn ; answers vary
The root vert means what? Give an example.
Relating to
What does the suffix ine mean?
What is
Teacher's choice: spell any spelling word that the teacher chooses
Both halves being the same as each other
What is the meaning of the word symmetry?
Does a prefix change the meaning of a word?
The base word; the word added to
What is a root?
A word or word part added to the end of another word.
What is a suffix?
The action of transporting something or someone
What is the definition of the word transportation?
Relating to the period of time before written records
Knowing what the prefix pre means, determine what prehistoric means.
Under ; answers vary
What does the prefix sub mean? Give an example.
Answers vary
Give an example of a word with the root cardio and then give the definition of the word.
Changes the meaning of the word.
What does a suffix do to a word?
Answers vary
Name three more words that use tion.
A way of sending/receiving a message from a distance using a wire
With knowing what the root graph means, what does the word telegraph mean?
Answers vary.
Give an example of a word with the prefix centi.
If you know what the root means, whether the word has a prefix or suffix, the root gives you an idea on where to start.
How can a root help you figure out the definition of an unknown word?
Yes, it gives you can idea of what the word is talking about; for example, if the world is cardiologist, the ending ist tells you its a person.
Can knowing what a suffix means help you determine the meaning of an unknown word? If so, how?
Which of the following words are a noun?
instruction inform reflect |
Warm clothes
What does the word thermal mean?