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what is
Name one multiplication property
This term is moral or message of the story.
an exclamation point
A punctuation mark used when the sentence is exciting or someone is yelling
How many minutes are in an hour?
What state is the only island in the United States?
What is the top number of a fraction called?
1st person point of view
This point of view is told by someone in the story and uses the word "I"
transition words
some examples of this word are: Firstly, Then, After that, Next, Last of all
Name all the 4th or 5th grade teachers (depending on what grade you are in)
Orange County
What county do we live in?
When adding unlike fractions, you must make sure ___ are the same.
A part of speech that modifies or describes a noun.
A flow map
A thinking map used to tell the order of events that something happened
The Green Bay Packers
What is Mr. Sharp's favorite football team
What is the capital of the California
What is the answer to a division problem called?
This is when two words mean the same thing
Venn diagram
The thinking map/brainstorming tool used to compare and contrast two things
main character
The protagonist of a story is the ____
How many states are in the United States?
--- 20
There were 2 large pizzas with 10 equal pieces in each slice. Mr. Sharp ate 11 pieces by himself. What fraction of the pizza is left?
This term compares two things using the words "like or "as"
This word is when you write what happened in something you read but in your own words
How many planets are in our solar system
North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia , Africa
Name 5 of the 7 continents