Rome and stuff | Rock this y'all | Too Easy | Cause I wanna! | Get it done |
Roman Republic
Which empire invented checks and balances
Individual Rights
The basis for Roman Law is Justice and _______
Elected Representatives
Who votes in a Republic
We are; me; our class
Who is going to kill this EXAM!!!
The Ides of March (March 15, 44BC)
What was Caesar's death called
Rome and Carthage fought to control this sea
Africa Europe
Which three Continents with the Roman Empire reach
Who removed the Christian Bans Rome?
Since Greece was made up of many small islands their goverment was made up of these
Caesar's death
What marked the end of the Roman Republic
The Twelve Tables
So the Patricians would not abuse power, the laws were placed in the forum for everyone (Plebeians) to see
Why did the Aztec civilizations fall?
Romance Languages, Civil Law, the Arch
What are three things from the Roman Culture we (the west) still use today
South American along Andes Mountains
Where did the Incas live
Political regime dominated by three people
Military Stregnth
Rome controlled Britian so long because of their
Civic Responsibility
One of the most important responsibilities in Athens was this
Elected Officials
Roman citizens had different levels of citizenships that were determined by
What was the main thing needed for good hygeine
Octavian changed his name to this and it marked the beginning of the Roman Empire
These rules maintained the stability of a nation
2nd pd - June 2
3rd pd - June 3
What date are you taking your exam?
spread of culture
What led to increased wealth and trade
Before Columbus, Middle American (Mexico) cultures were able to maintain their societies through
This faith is a religion that welcomes everyone?