Military | Engineering | Social Life | Government | History |
What is a catapult?
Machine used to hurl stones or rocks at the enemy
What are aqueducts?
These brought water to the cities.
What are togas?
Worn by males to show social rank.
Who are peregrini?
Name given to foreigners allowed to do business in Rome.
Who are Romulus and Remus?
Legend says they founded Rome.
What is Hadrian's Wall?
Built to defend against the northern part of England
What is an arch?
A building design feature which helps make rounded ceilings.
What are baths?
Social gathering places, not necessarily to get clean.
Who are citizens?
The people who could vote.
Who is Julius Caesar?
Was killed on the Ides of March because he wanted to be king?
What is testudo?
A shield method used for defense when on a battlefield.
What are milestones?
Distance markers on roads.
What is papyrus?
Type of paper used to make scrolls.
What is the Twelve Tables?
This formed the basis of the Roman legal system.
Who is Caesar Augustus?
He was responsible for the Pax Romana.
What is a legion?
A group of men numbering from 5000 - 6000.
What is indoor plumbing?
This type of Roman technology was lost in the Middle Ages.
What is a gladiator?
A person who fought in the arenas and coliseums.
What is the Senate?
The body of men that ruled Rome.
What is Emperor?
Name given to the ruler of the Roman Empire.
What is a javelin?
A light spear-like weapon thrown from a distance
What is the Circus Maximus?
This was the largest building used for entertainment in Rome.
What is a bulla?
A lucky charm hung around a baby's neck.
What are provinces?
Name given to conquered territories.
What are the Punic Wars.
Long series of battles fought with Carthage.