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What is because older children would buy liquor and smoke cigarettes at the store.
Papa said "in this family ,we don't shop at the wallace store?
What is Mr. Morrison.
Who could Cassie see moving quietly alongside the house with a shotgun?
What is Cassie was forced to apologize to Lillian Jean because she is white
Cassie needs to grow up about the way things were.
What is,the trouble would have brought the family al ot worse than Cassie's hurt feelings.
Why didn't Papa go after Charlie Simms?
What is Mr.Wallace put his truck in front of Mr.Morrison.
What happened on the way to little Willie's place?
What is upset about the books being handed down from the whites
Little Man and Cassie get switched on 1st day of school
What is, he didn't think Stacey would go there to find him.
Why do you think T.J ran to the Wallace store?
What is,Mr.Morrison kept him up all night talking so he couldn't go to the Simms
Why did Uncle Hammer and mr.morrison look like they hadn't slept all night?
What is,no one would talk to him.
What happened to T.J that was worse than a beating?
What is they would get kicked off the land.
Why did Mr.Avery and Mr.Lanier say that they had to stop shopping in Vicksburg?
What is children felt responsible for night men?
TJ told them the real reason for the night men
What is, he had called Mr.Barnett a liar for charging him for stuff he didn't purchase.
Why did the night men tar and feather Mr. Tatum?
What is ,it make them powerful to think less of others.
What did Big Ma say was the reason that people like mr simms thought they were better than black people?
What is,Mr.Jamison.
Who offered to back the credit of the black people who wanted to shop in Vicksburg?
What is picked up the truck and moved it out of the way.
Mr. Morrison showed he was not afraid of Mr. Wallace?
What is Papa and another man?
Cassie saw them at the top of the cotton pole (road) coming up the road
What is, a shotgun.
What did Big Ma grab from under Cassie's bed while cassie was supposedly sleeping?
What is ,because she had to take T.Jand she didn't want to listen to him the whole way there.
Why did Big Ma take stacey and cassie to strawberry with her?
What is, he went to the Wallaces and ran his mouth.
How did T.J get Mrs.Logan fired from her teaching job at school?
What is Papa started the fire.
Stopped the hanging and brought people together?
What is because he talked to black kids.
Why did Jeremy's older sister give him red welts?
Someone to sign for his items in Vicksburg;credit.
What did Mama offer Mr.Turner to get him to stop shopping at the Wallace store?
What is, he was ready to kill Mr.Simms with a shotgun.
How did Uncle Hammer react to the news of mr. simms pushing cassie off the sidewalk?
What is, she had to clintch her fist and press her lips to control her temper.
Give evidence to show that it was hard for cassie to be so nice to Lillian Jean?
They were nice to him when he was around but laughed at him when he was gone.
How were Jeremy's brothers treating T.J?