Minerals | Igneous Rock | Sedimentary Rock |
What is a mineral?
Inorganic, solid material found in nature
What is igneous rock?
Rock formed when melted rock cools.
What is sedimentary rock?
Rocks that form from sediments in layers
What are some properties of minerals?
Hardness, cleavage, streak, color, luster
What is extrusive rock?
Lava that cools on Earth's surface
What is detrital rock?
rock made by materials moved and deposited by water, ice, gravity or wind
What is The Moh's Hardness Scale?
Scale that measures Hardness of a mineral from 1-10 with 10(diamond) being the hardenst.
What is intrusive rock?
Magma that cools inside the Earth's crust
What is organic rock?
when living matter dies, piles up, and is compressed into rock
What is a gem?
rare minerals that can be cut and polished
What is Granitic rock?
light colored rock with high percentage of silica
What is Chemical rock?
Rocks formed when water full of dissolved minerals evaporates
What is an ore?
Minerals that contain enough of a a useful substance sold for a profit
What is a batholith?
very large igneous that forms when rising magma cools below the ground
What is fossils?
Remains or traces of a once living thing found in sedimentary rock