Rock Sizes | Soil | All About Rocks | Miscellaneous |
A boulder
What is the largest rock size?
What do plants need to live and help them grow.
Which rock property is described with words like white, brown, and grey?
To see what is different and what is the same
What does compare and contrast mean?
A cobble
What is the next rock size bigger than a pebble?
What earth material is made of decayed plant and animal parts.
Rock dust
What is created when two rocks are rubbed together?
A guess as to what might happen
What is a prediction?
What is the rock size in between silt and gravel?
A screen or a vial
What tool did we use to sort our rocks by size?
What size of rock can you not see one particle of with the human eye?
The colors are brighter and more easily seen
What happens to the color of rocks when they are placed in water?
Clay, silt, sand, gravel, pebbles, cobbles, boulders
List all the rock sizes from smallest to largest.
Humus and rock particles
Soil is made up of these two things.