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Cancer of the Prostate
What is the most common indication for a robotic prostatectomy?
Trendelenburg with stirrups
What is positioning for a robotic prostatectomy?
True or False: Penile/Scrotal swelling IS an expected finding after surgery?
Da Vinci
What is the name of the robot?
The gland surrounding the bladder neck, present in males.
What is the prostate?
Risk for bleeding
Why is it necessary for a patient to discontinue use of NSAIDs prior to surgery?
The umbilicus
What structure of the abdomen requires extra attention by the nurse during operative site preparation?
Foley Catheter
What appliance can the patient expect to be discharged home with?
Electrosurgical unit
What surgical instrumentation is contraindicated when dissecting tissue near the nerve plexus?
Removal of the prostate gland and any other surrounding lymph nodes
Define Robotic Prostatectomy
Sperm banking
What is an important education topic for the patient prior to surgery in regards to procreation?
Insufflation of the abdomen with CO2
What is the purpose of the very first trochar inserted into the abdomen?
How many trochars are used for a robotic prostatectomy?
Open incision by the surgeon at the end of the procedure.
How is the actual prostate removed from the body?
Class II: Clean Contaminated
What is the surgical wound class for this procedure?
What type of bowel prep is necessary prior to this procedure?
What do we use during positioning to prevent injury by the robot to the patient's arm?
The patient's clinician
Who is allowed to remove the foley catheter?
Ligation of blood vessels
What is the purpose of the surgical clip?
7 days
How long can the patient expect to keep the foley catheter in after getting discharged home?
To prevent bladder spasms
What is the purpose for the Belladonna-Opium suppository?
Connection of two adjacent channels in the body.
Define anastomosis
24-48 hours
What is the expected length of stay for a patient without complications after a robotic prostatectomy?
Fiber-optic cable
What is the lighting technology used for laproscopic surgery?
Provides the seminal fluid that mixes with sperm to form semen
What is the purpose of the seminal vesicles?