Optical Engineering | ASCE and Concrete Canoe | Sound Engineering | Biological Systems Engineering | Sports Engineering |
The behavior and study of light
What are optics?
American Society of Civil Engineers
What does ASCE stand for?
Sound moves as a wave.
How does sound move through the air? (What form does the sound take?)
Living things, like people, plants, animals, and the environment
What do biological systems engineers study?
Stadiums, types of sports equipment, golf swing or tennis serve, etc.
Name three things that sports engineers might design or help improve?
What is the term that describes why a pencil in water looks bent or broken?
What is the current grade of the United States’ infrastructure (A-F, +/-)?
Outer ear, Middle ear, Inner ear
What are the three parts of the ear?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
What does MRI stand for?
Kinetic and Potential energy
What are the two types of energy that are considered when a biker is going down a hill?
Which type of lens (concave or convex) is thinner in the middle?
The concrete is less dense than the water.
How is it possible for a concrete canoe to float in water?
Which part of a sound wave determines the loudness of the sound?
What is the material that orthopedic casts are made of?
When designing a ski slope, will a steeper slope make the skier go faster or slower?
Which type of lens (concave or convex) can bend light as it passes through to make an image appear upside down?
The mesh is used as reinforcement to strengthen the canoe.
What is the main function of the mesh layer put in between two concrete layers of the concrete canoe?
Which part of a sound wave determines the pitch of the sound?
How many bones are in the human body?
38 degrees
What is the steepest landing slope allowable for ski jumping?
Hubble Space Telescope
What is the name of the largest and most famous telescope in the world, which orbits Earth and captures images of millions of galaxies?
What is a critical ingredient in concrete that influences the strength?
What isThe air is heated really quickly so it expands, and this sends a powerful sound wave through the air that we hear as thunder.
In a storm, what happens when lightning strikes that causes a clap of thunder?
Spongy like a honeycomb with a marrow cavity
If the outer layer of a bone is smooth and solid, what does the inside of a bone look like?
Biomedical Engineers, Material Engineers, Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, etc.
Name two other types of engineers that a Sports Engineer might work with?