University Requirements | General Education | College Differences | Campus Resources | Placement Exams |
What is 180
The Unit Requirement requires this number of units upon graduation.
What is courses, units
GE 2 is based on ____, whereas GE 3 is based on ____.
What is the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
This college has an upper division unit requirement of 54 units.
What is the 2nd floor of South Hall
Where is the ICC located?
What is WLD 57E
If I do not pass the Analytical Writing Placement Exam, which course should I enroll in?
What is the Scholarship Requirement
If I have a cumulative GPA of 1.5, I am not currently meeting this requirement.
What is Arts & Humanities, Science & Engineering, and Social Sciences
These are the three areas of Topical Breadth.
What is the College of Letters and Science and the College of Biological Sciences
These colleges have a 15-unit foreign language requirement for AB degrees.
What is Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
This resource offers counseling for eating disorders and videogame addiction, among other services.
What is Chinese
You must take the placement exam for this language regardless of whether or not you have been exposed to it before.
What is the American History and Institutions Requirement
Most students fulfill this requirement in California public high schools.
What is the College English Composition Requirement & Writing Experience
These subcomponents of Literacy with Words & Images must be completed after satisfying the ELWR.
What is one lower division course and one upper division course OR one lower division course and pass the English Comp. Exam
This is the College English Composition Requirement in the College of Engineering.
What is notetaking, tutoring, transportation/ease of access services, exam accommodations, special parking, and advising
Name three services offered by the SDC.
What is once per session (twice per quarter)
How many times can a student take the Chemistry Placement Exam?
What is 35, 45
In order to meet the Senior Residence Requirement, you must complete __ of your final __ units at UC Davis.
What is American Cultures, Governance, & History
This subcomponent of Civic & Cultural Literacies includes 3 units of Domestic Diversity.
What is GE (GE3) / second major, minor, mini-minor, three fine arts courses (GE2)
In GE3, the Area Breadth requirement for AB degrees in the College of Letters & Science is satisfied by what? In GE2?
What is Violence Intervention and Prevention
VIP stands for what UCD campus program?
What is Russian, Chinese, Japanese
All Foreign Language Placement Exams are advisory only except for these languages.
What is 680 or higher on SAT Writing, 3/4/5 on AP English, 5/6 on Higher/Standard IB English, 30 or higher on ACT English/Writing, pass AWPE, pass WLD 57E
Name four ways to meet the Entry Level Writing Requirement.
What is A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-
The following grades can be earned in order to receive credit toward classes in GE 2.
What is 1034 Sciences Laboratory Building
Where is the BASC located?
What is 25 or older, married, have dependents
According to the TRV, you must meet one of these three criteria in order to be considered an undergraduate Reentry student.
What is MAT 12/16A/17A/21A/21AH/36, CHE 2A/2AH
Which 8 courses require students to take the Math Placement Exam?