People of Revolution | Beginning of the Revolution | End of the Revolution | Battles of the Revolution | Jobs during American Revolution |
Molly Pitcher (Mary Hays)
Who is the woman who gave the soldiers water?
Sugar Act
What is the act that said taxes were placed on sugar and molasses?
What is country helped to win the Revolutionary War?
Lexington, Massachusetts
Where was the first shot of the Revolutionary War?
To load the cannons
What was the job of Molly Pitcher when her husband was wounded?
William Livingston
Who was a Governor of NJ?
Stamp Act
What is the tax that colonists had to pay for anything made of paper?
US Constitution
What is a set of laws to live by?
Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott
Who were the three men that rode all night to warn the British were coming?
What was William Livingston's job at the Continental Congress?
George Washington
Who led the Battle of Trenton?
Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Stamp Act, Sugar Act
What four events led to the Revolutionary War?
Bill of Rights
What are the rights that are added to the constitution that no government can take away?
First Shot Heard
What is the symbol of the American Revolution?
What was William Livingston's job in the NJ Militia?
Thomas Jefferson
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Boston Tea Party
What event happened when the colonists were angry about the taxes they had to pay and dumped the tea overboard?
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and Freedom to Write
What are three examples of the Bill of Rights?
What is the name of the German soldiers?
US Constitution
What did William Livingston sign?
William Livingston
Who was a Signer of the Constitution?
Boston Massacre
What event happened when 5 men were killed and eight were wounded when a riot broke out in Boston, Massachusetts?
Continental Congress
What is a group of men that helped to make the laws?
Delaware River
What river did George Washington cross on Christmas night 1776?
How many Americans died in Battle of Trenton?