Genetic Engineering The Debt We Must Pay Sports and Brain Injuries Fake News Miscellaneous
What is the most effective way to combine sentences 13 and 14?
B - This possibility could be life-saving to many children, along with the ability of a longer lifespan in people who had their genes edited.
Sentence 1 does not effectively open the first paragraph (sentences 1-5). Which of the following can be added before sentence 1 to help strengthen the opening paragraph of this paper?
A - In today’s modern culture, college and student loans go hand in hand.
What change should be made to sentence 1?
A - Change affect to effect
What is the best way to rewrite sentence 4?
C - By calling reputable sources “fake,” the government is encouraging citizens not to believe the news, even if it is true and can be backed up by science and data.
How should sentence 6 be changed?
C - Insert a comma after reality
What is the correct way to write sentence 4?
C - Systems in other countries, where students can leave school with minimal debt, can serve as models for solutions that we can adapt in the U.S.
Joseph is not satisfied with his thesis statement in sentences 5-6. Which of the following should replace the sentences to provide a more effective thesis statement?
D - Since it is not uncommon to get a concussion while playing sports, I begin to wonder if the potential enjoyment or benefit of sports is worth the risk of ahead injury that could have lasting effects on your life.
Maggie has not used the most appropriate word in sentence 11. Which word best replaces exciting?
A - extreme
#3 - Ruby is considering whether or not she should add the following supporting details to the third paragraph (sentences 16-20)......Additionally, if scientists genetically engineer babies still in the womb, there is a very real and present danger that this could lead to complications, including miscarriage(early on), premature birth or even stillbirth, all of which are unthinkable. These are just minor risks compared to the loss of entire populations by a significant gene mutation.........Where could Ruby place these sentences?
A - After sentence 18
How should sentence 11 be changed?
B - Change they to we
What is the most effective transition to add to the beginning of sentence 10?
B - When you come right down to it
What is the most effective way to revise sentence 13?
D - Sentence 13 should not be revised.
Ruby wants to add a more effective transition between the second paragraph(sentences 7-15) and the third paragraph (sentences 16-20). Which of the following sentences should be added before sentence 16 to help the reader effectively transition from the second to the third paragraph?
D - Gene editing in human-related situations is a slippery slope that could lead to the eradication of society and virtually no genetic differences in the population.
What change, if any, should be made to sentence 12?
B - Change for-profits to For-profits
How can Joseph improve the clarity of sentence 15?
D - Change they to these athletes
What change should be made to sentence 22?
B - Change research to researching
What change, if any, needs to be made to sentence 24?
C - Change exist to existed
How should sentence 25 be changed?
D - Change inate to innate

Revising and Editing English 1 and 2 - Fox

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