Behaviorism vs. Applied Behavior Analysis Social Cognitive Theory and Socialization Individual Differences : Intelligence etc. Understanding ourselves and others Moral Development
What is the difference between Functional Behavior Assessment and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?
Functional Behavior: Tool used to obtain information about the antecedents, behavior, and consquences to determine the function of a behavior
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)- Bases on objective data collected to help understand what effect, if any, the
The outcome in learning creates a change in _______ and Emphasizes effects of _______ events on the individual. Fill in the blank and State which learning view this is.
2. External
[Behavioral Learning View]
Define the Premack Principle and Provide an example
1. A more preferred activity can serve as a reinforcer for a less preffered activity

Example: If a student reads three books to different peers he/she can then pick an activity of their choice..( Game, art, computer time..etc)
What are the two types of reinforcement?
Positive Reinforcement- a desired stimulus given in order to strengthen a behavior
Negative Reinforcement: removing a stimulus in order to strengthen a good behavior
What does ABC stand for and provide a scenario
Antecedent - What Preceded the behavior
Behavior- What observable (Seen or Heard) behavior occurred?
Consequence- What happens next after the target behavior occurs- usually immediately

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