Names from the past | Style | Terms |
What is Wilhelm Wundt
Who was the German father of psychology
What is Structuralism
Wundt was all about building
What is conditioning
Behavior is modified by reward or punishment
What is William James
Name the psychologist who rejected the German approach
What is Functionalism
Only the fittest survive
What is reinforcement
A consequence that strengthens behavior
What is Edward Titchener
A student who helped
What is Behaviorism
Praise and Punishment
What is punishment
Change in surrounding after a behavior or response
What is B.F. Skinner
He was a supporter of education
What is Behaviorism
The reason we act the way do
What is sensation
A conscious experience that results from a stimulation
What is William James
The stars and stripes
What is Functionalism
Only men are jealous
What is dominance
Influence or control over others