Mass | Sacraments | Virtues | Holy Spirit | Were You Listening? |
Who are priests?
These men, through the sacrament of Holy Orders, have received the apostolic mystery to pray and offer sacrifice to God on behalf of others
What is the Sacrament of Baptism
FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY are the three supernatural powers given to us during this sacrament
What are virtues
The term for good habits and being helpful toward self and others
What is the Holy Trinity
This term describes the foundational Catholic understanding that there are three persons in one God
What is The Mystery of Faith
The phrase that directly describes the Catholic understanding that Christ has Died, Christ has Risen, Christ will Come Again
What is Liturgy of the Eucharist
This is the name of the second part of the Mass
What is the Sacrament of Matrimony
The sacrament that blesses a union between man and woman.
What is forgiveness
The virtue of patience requires this kind gesture.
What is Dove, Fire, et al.
This is a symbol that is closely associated with the presence of the Holy Spirit
What is Possession
This term refers to the situation in which a demon has overtaken a person's body or has a strong influence over them - NOT the process of getting rid of it though
What is Consecration
This word describes the prayers that the priest says over the Eucharistic gifts
What are the Sacraments of Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation
These are The Three Sacraments of Initiation into the Church.
What are Vices
This word describes bad acts that are frequently associated with sin.
What is Paraclete
This is the word that describes the Holy Spirit as an intermediary or lawyer who speaks on our behalf - not to be confused with the bird of a similar neme
What is Exorcism
The Catholic Rite that is used to dispel or cast away a demon from a person or a thing
What is the Gospel
The readings in church that recall the words and actions of Jesus from a first-hand point of view are known collectively as this.
What is the Sacrament of Confirmation
Sacrament of Confirmation marks the beginning of your adult Catholic life and recognizes you as being responsible for your spiritual growth – this includes the decisions and choices you make.
What is gluttony
This bad act or disposition describes when a person's greed for things such as food, money, or power becomes overwhelming
What is Seven
The number of Gifts of the Holy Spirit recognized by the Church: (the first ones help us know God’s will for our lives and the last ones help us live it)
What is Creed
This word is associated with certain Catholic prayers and indicates beliefs that we all share in the Church
What is Transubstantiation
This word describes the changing of the bread and wine to the Body and Blood of Christ
Who is Jesus
This person changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ
This is one of the four Cardinal Virtues
What is Kindness
There are 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit, this fruit is characterized by being sensitive to the needs of others, moving us to action [being thoughtful about the ‘little things’ and others]
What is "begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;"
the line in the Nicene Creed directly after "I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God,"
born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, |