Jesus Enters Jerusalem | Parable of the Landowner | Parable of the Talents | Jesus's Prepares for His Death | Jesus's Death and Resurrection |
Laying down cloaks and waving palm branches
How did people show they honored Jesus as their King when he entered Jerusalem?
What did the vineyard represent?
Did the master trust all the slaves with the same amount of money?
30 pieces of silver,
(worth about 4 months wages or a few thousand dollars.)
How much did Judas agree to betray Jesus for?
Slaves, criminals, rebels.
What kind of people were crucified on a cross in Bible times?
They wanted Jesus to be their earthly king against the Romans.
Who did the people want Jesus to be?
His servants.
Who did the landowner first send to visit his vineyard?
The two that received the most talents.
Which slave or slaves pleased the master?
She anointed His head and washed His feet with expensive perfume.
What did Mary do for Jesus?
Spit upon; crown of thorns placed on head;
Called "King of Jews" and told to save himself. Flogged, beaten, blinded.
Name two ways Jesus was mocked?
The Passover
What holiday was it when Jesus came riding into Jerusalem?
His own son
Who did the landowner finally send to visit his vineyard thinking they would respect him?
They were both faithful. God judges us by our faithfulness, not by resutls.
Why did the first two slaves get the same reward, even though they earned different amounts of money?
They were false, lies, inconsistent.
What was wrong with the accusations against Jesus?
He was truly the King or Son of God.
What did the centurion believe after he saw Jesus die?
Jesus knew the Jews were to suffer greatly and he would too.
Why did Jesus weep?
His son was killed.
What happened when the landowner sent his own sonto the vineyard?
God expects us to serve Him with our time, ability and opportunities He has given us.
What was wrong with just burying the money?
He remembered what Jesus had said and relaized he had betrayed the One he loved most.
Why did Peter burst into tears after the rooster crowed?
Temple curtain torn from top to bottom showing anyone can now come to God, not just the high priest.
What happened to the temple curtain and what did this mean?
It was prophesized by Zachariah that he would ride a donkey?
Why did Jesus ride a donkey colt?
It is the foundation of the building allowing the rest of the building to be built. it is very large and solid and strong.
What is a cornerstone and why is it important?
Greater authority to serve
Sharing in the master's joy.
What were the two rewards for the faithful servants?
King of the Jews
What did Pilate call Jesus?
1) He is risen
2) God tell the disciples
What 2 things were Mary, Mary, and Salom told when they got to the tomb?