EXAM 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Exam 4 Exam 5
What is 52-3, 52-7, 52-9, 52-13
Breakers that do not have auto reclosing
What is 60 seconds after the zero-speed alarm, control switch in auto, lube oil to turning gear >4.5psig, bearing lift oil pressure >850spig.
The turning gear will auto start under these conditions
What is Boric Acid >1.5 gpm for 15 seconds
RMUW >5 gpm for 15 seconds
Boric Acid and Primary Make up Deviation Alarms
What is pulse height discrimination
A fission chamber discriminates gammas by using this.
What is 45# (LOCA) and 380F (MSLB with MFI failure)
CMNT design pressure and temp, and the accidents which cause them.
What is 129v
The voltage at which a safety battery will be inoperable
What is Pt-446, Median Tavg
Inputs to to the Steam Dump load reject controller in T-AVG mode
What is >99% and 3800-4200 PPM
The ASI tank boron and level required to be functional (FPP-13)
What is 4000 lbs
The capacity of the Manipulator crane gripper hoist
What is in the event the automatic fails and 150 seconds after sequencer start.
The manual actuation of the manual load permissive can be used at this time.
What is Compressor Motor Overload
• Fan Motor Overload
• Low Oil Pressure less than 17.4 PSIG
• High Oil Temperature greater than 158°F
• High LP Stage Outlet Temperature greater than 428°F
• High HP Stage Inlet Temperature greater than 158°F
• High HP Stage Outlet Temperature greater than 428°F
Things that will trip the A/B Air compressors
What is 110 % (1980 rpm)
The setpoint of SOPS (secondary over speed protection system)
What is 1/39=1B21 2/40=1A21
Power Supplies to 1RH-1/2/39/40
What is ERAMS, CVI rad monitors (3561s) and CMNT High Range (3589/3590)
This monitors use Ion chambers to measure radiation levels
What is 5 seconds after the cmnt sump suctions are open, or on transfer to the ACP
1CT-26/71 ( Containment Spray Injection Supply Valves) will auto shut when
What is 15% gravity and 7.5% gravity
The valve of an SSE and OBE
What is Separator tank above the Low-Low level (11.5" below pump center line)
Condenser Vacuum pump Start permissive(s)
What is RCP SEAL WTR INLET TEMP approaches the alarm level of 220F and • Seal injection flow to each RCP is between 8 and 13 gpm.
• # 1 Seal leakoff from any pump is less than 1 gpm.
• RCS pressure is less than 1000 psig.
The condition under which the RCP#1 seal bypass valve may be opened
What is Non Essential Service Chill Water
Thus supplies cooling to FHB operating floor ventilation system
What is 1. Test switches not in normal position
2. Loss of train internal power (48V & 15V)
3. Printed circuit card removal
4. Bypass breaker for train is closed
5. Loss of AC power to either output relay cabinet
6. Alarm circuit malfunction
These will cause a general warning for SSPS.
What is Fire head <83# for 8 seconds and loss of power to its battery charger for 15 seconds
DGFP auto starts
What is 160F, will also cause 1BD-85 to shut (will shut if 1BD-84 opens for any reason)
Temperature at which 1BD-84 (Blowdown HX Bypass) will open
What is CCW Flow to the GFFD and the Primary Sample Panel will isolate on a low CCW Surge Tank level of 40%.
CCW surge tank low level alarm and auto actions
What is • Lead fan starts when outside temp >43°F; Lag fan
starts when temp >70°F
• Lag fan stops when temp <60°F; Lead fan stops
when temp <40°F
• Alternation circuits swaps lead/lag fans whenever
temp <40°F to equalize run time.
The temperatures are which steam tunnel fans (S-64/S-65) cycle
What is Zr-Water Reaction
Release of dissolved H2 from RCS
Decomposition of Water by radiation
Oxidation of Metals in CNMT
The sources of H2 in cmnt post accident


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