cancel transaction | Communicator | INR |
when can a buyer request to cancel a transaction through their purchase history ?
with in 1 hour of the purchase
what color is the bar status when we are on Available ?
When is the earliest a buyer can open an INR Request
EDD +1 Calendar day
How many days does a seller have to accept a cancelation request ?
3 Calendar Days
where can we see what is our AHT average for the day ?
performance tab
What is SMIR mean ?
Seller Make It Right
What can the buyer do if more than an hour has passed from the purchase time , and the buyer wants to cancel ?
The buyer has to contact the seller
Where can i see my skills
About Me
How many days is the SMIR period
3 Business days
what if a buyer does not pay for an order , when can the seller cancel the order ?
If the buyer doesn't pay, the seller can cancel the order after 4 calendar days
From where can i launch Agent Desktop from
the rocket at the bottom
when is the latest a buyer can open an INR Request
EDD + 30 Calendar