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Protected Health Information (PHI)
Any information in a medical record that can be used to identify an individual
A professional paper claim form
CMS 1500
Standardized code sets that are necessary for Medicare and other health insurance providers to provide healthcare claims that are managed cornsistently and in an orderly manne
A responsible party and/or insured party who is not necessarily the patient.
This is a subsystem of a hospital information system used for storing financial data, calculation healthcare costs, and providing billing information.
Patient Accounting System
These are costs that are a patient's responsibility for hospitalization between day 61-90 days
Medicare Coinsurance Days
An institutional paper claim form
An editor from the government that edits a variety dimensions/facets of a claim
This is sometimes required by a patient’s insurance company to determine medical necessity, but does not guarantee benefits will be paid
A payment file sent back to the provider
835 File
The United States federal government health insurance program for Americans who are 65 years of age or older
A notice you receive from Medicare explaining the benefits received and not received
A unique number that identifies the patients’ medical record
This is also known as a waiver of liability, and is a notice a provider should give you before your receive a service.
Advanced Beneficiary Notification" (ABN)
A claims acknowledgement from an inquiry
277 File
This is a method where Medicare signals back to provider that they are going to reject a claim, and therefore, allows the opportunity to fix before final adjudication
Return to Provider (RTP)
Outstanding charges that are the patient's responsibility that have not been successfully collected which are eventually written off and sent to a collection agency
Bad Debt
The local coverage determination and editing system from CMS
This is a medical billing term to describe the employee who is a part of a group policy
A calculation that compares Total A/R Aged over 90 days to Total Accounts Receivable
Aging Over 90 Days