The Training Center | Presentation Deck | IDEA Legislation | Sales Resource Center | Who's Who |
What is ABA?
The methodology the training center is based on.
What is Modeling how to teach?
The first value prop Rethink offers for classroom teachers.
What is the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?
IDEA does not use the term "inclusion." However, IDEA does require school districts to place students in this
Who are the Bronx P352x and Holmdel?
Testimonial videos from these two customers can now be downloaded from the Sales Resources Page.
Who is Daniel, Eran, and Jamie?
The founders of Rethink.
What is prompting?
Anything you do that helps the student respond correctly to an instruction.
What is Saving planning time?
Providing teachers with standards based goals and objectives helps teachers do this
What is free appropriate public education (FAPE)?
States receiving funds under IDEA must make this available to eligible children with disabilities.
What is the trial sheet?
This resource can help a prospect get logged into their trial and direct them to the most powerful features of the platform quickly and efficiently.
If I have a school district who wants their IT department to speak with someone at Rethink about technical specifications of the program, who would I put them in contact with?
What is discrete trial teaching?
The first step in this to get the student's attention. |
What are the 6 steps of the behavior plan?
The Learn tab - a component of the Rethink Behavior Support Plan that sets us apart from others, educates teachers on this
What is the State?
Ultimate responsibility for ensuring the provision of required special education and related services at no cost to parents is is the responsibility of this
What is the HIPAA Compliance document?
This resource is helpful when a school district asks about our privacy policies surrounding student data.
Who are Patricia Wright and Jamie Pagliaro?
Current or past employees on the scientific advisory board.
What is maintenance training?
This module has the following objective:
"Help the student continue to use learned skills." |
What is District wide analysis?
One of the ways Rethink helps improve student outcomes for the administrator
What is 13?
The number of recognized disability categories under IDEA, which refer to specified physical, mental, emotional, or sensory impairments and a child's need for special education and related services because of an impairment.
What is Internal Training Materials
This category on the Sales Resources Page contains information on how to set up a trial for a prospect as well as How to Run a Usage Report for a current customer.
Who is William 'Bill' Jenson?
The scientific advisory board member wrote a study we often reference.
What is Stimulus Generalization?
In the following video clip which type of generalization strategy is being demonstrated.
What is Life beyond school?
Rethink provides value to parents through parent/teacher collaboration, student activities, and this
What is 10 days?
Under IDEA and Section 504, a removal of a student from school for more than this many days constitutes a change in placement, which cannot be implemented without first determining whether the student's misconduct is related to the student's disability.
What are Professional Development and ESY?
These two usage models now have sell sheets outlining their benefits that can be downloaded from the Sales Resources page.
Who is Dr. Bridget Taylor?
The scientific advisory board member who hosted the Rethink webinar titled "You are Your Child's Best Teacher"