Respiration | Section One Had A Lot of Info! | NO SMOKING! | Things go in...things go out! | No giggling! |
What are the tiny hairlike structures that sweep mucus from the nose into the throat?
What are the tiny sacs of lung tissue specialized for the movement of gases between air and blood?
What is the disease that destroys lung tissue?
What are the major organs of the excretory system?
What are the narrow tubes where urine flows out of the kidneys?
What is a passageway for both food and air?
Rings of cartilage.
What part of the trachea strengthens it and keeps it open?
Chronic Bronchitis
What is the disease that is an irritation of the breathing passages where the passages get smaller and smaller?
Lungs, liver and skin.
What are three more organs involved in excretion?
Urinary bladder
Where is urine stored?
Large dome shaped muscle that helps control breathing?
What is the voice box?
Carbon Monoxide
What is the colorless odorless gas that is produced when tobacco is burned?
The excretory system collects waste produced by cells and removes wastes from the body.
What is the job of the excretory system?
What is the process of removal of waste from the body?
Breathing is the movement of air into and out of the body. Respiration is a chemical reaction that takes place in cells to produce energy.
How are breathing and respiration different?
The vocal cords are folds of connective tissue that produce your voice. The vocal cords have a slit-like opening between them.
Describe the vocal cords.
What is the dark sticky substance that forms when tobacco burns?
What is the waste chemical that comes from the breakdown of proteins?
In what small structures does blood filtering take place?
The respiratory system moves oxygen from the outside environment into the body. It also removes carbon dioxide and water from the body.
What is the function of the respiratory system?
Nose, pharynx, trachea, bronchus, lungs, aveoli
List the parts of the respiratory system, in order, from when the air enters the body to where the gas exchange takes place.
Some of the chemicals in tobacco smoke get into the blood and are absorbed by the blood vessels. These chemicals irritate the walls of the blood vessels. The irritation contributes to the buildup of fatty material on the blood vessel walls...
Describe how smokers can get atherosclerosis
Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra
List the structures involved in the production and excretion of urine, in order.
As the kidneys filter blood, they help to maintain homeostasis by regulating the amount of water in your body.
How do the kidneys help maintain homeostasis?