Terrestrial Ecosystems | Wildlife | Geospatial | Planning, Assessment, and Research | Aquatic |
What are grasslands?
The nesting habitat for Short-eared Owls.
what is a moose
The largest member of the deer family, this animal is affectionately known as a “swamp donkey”.
What are projected coordinate systems?
Conic, Cylindrical, and Planar are examples of this important GIS system.
What product is sprayed during the Forest health defoliator program?
Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki
What is white sturgeon?
The longest-lived freshwater fish species in BC, with individuals reaching over 100 years of age
What is the Government Actions Regulation?
The Forest and Range Practices Act Regulation that established Wildlife Habitat Areas
What is caribou
The only ungulate species in BC in which both males and females grow antlers.
What are ways to automate maps and analysis in GIS?
Snakes, models and AML have this in common.
What is NDT4?
Ecosystems with frequent stand-maintaining fires
What is Quesnel Lake?
At 511 meters or 1676 feet, the deepest lake in BC, the third deepest lake in North America, and the deepest fjord lake in the world.
What are Avoid, Minimize, Restore On-site, Offset?
The four steps of BC’s Environmental Mitigation Policy.
What is a peregrine falcon
This species is the fastest animal on the planet, clocking in at more than 300km/h in a stoop.
Who, where, and when was GIS created?
Roger Tomlinson, Ottawa, and the 1960’s.
What are chernozemic soils?
Dominant in grassland regions of Canada, the surface horizons are darkened due to an accumulation of organic matter from grassroots.
What is dolly varden?
Fish species named after colourfully dressed Charles Dicken’s character for its bright, contrasting patterning.
What is the Cariboo Gold project (in Wells)?
A new gold mine currently going through the Environmental Assessment process in the Cariboo Region.
What is moose (Alces alces)” or “What is American Bison (Bison bison)
One of the two large game species in British Columbia for which their binomial nomenclature (Latin name) is a repeat of the same term.
what is routing analysis?
In the current highway conditions in BC, you might take advantage of this GIS tool to find the best way from Quesnel to Williams Lake to 100 Mile and on to Vancouver.
What is the definition of risk?
Consequence x likelihood
What is Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks
Individuals within Resource Management and the Aquatic Section have been working in the Cariboo for close to 30 years. A fisheries biologist starting in 1991 would have began his/her career within this Ministry?
What are wetlands? Or What are wetlands/forest edges?
Important moose foraging habitat in the winter.
What is a white pelican
The Cariboo Region is home to BC’s only known nesting colonies of this piscivorous bird.
What are vector and raster?
Recent rainfall in BC and washed-out highways are best represented by these two data types or models.