Vocabulary One (1) | Vocabulary Two (2) | Reproduction | Reproduction Two | Disadvantages/Advantages of Reproduction |
What is Mitosis?
The cell division process, in which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei...
What is an egg?
What is a sperm?
a.) The female reproductive sex cell/gamete...
b.) The male reproductive sex cell/gamete... |
What is Meiosis?
The cell division process that produces 4 sex cells and ensures that the offspring will have the same number of chromosomes and will be unique...
What is a clone?
The genetic make-up of an asexual organism...
Reproduction is usually quickest
An Advantage of Asexual Reproduction...
What is a Chromosome?
The "X" structure found in the nucleus that contains the heredity material...
What is Fertilization?
The process where where the female and male reproductive sex cells join or come together...
What is a Haploid Cell?
A cell that contains only half of the amount of chromosomes...
What is External Fertilization?
What is Internal Fertilization?
When fertilization occurs outside the body...
When fertilization occurs inside the body... |
Reproduction produces variety of organisms
An Advantage of Sexual Reproduction...
What is Asexual Reproduction?
The type of reproduction where the offspring born is produced from one parent...
What is Sexual Reproduction?
The type of reproduction where the offspring born is produced by two parents...
What is Metaphase?
The second phase of Mitosis, where the cell's chromosomes line up at the equator or the middle...
What are Budding, Binary Fission and Spores?
These are the three main types of asexual reproduction...
Reproduction of unwanted offspring may spread
A Disadvantage of Asexual Reproduction...
What is DNA?
The blueprint containing an organism's information for growth and function?
What is a Gene?
A set of instructions or code for making proteins; a piece of the DNA molecule
What is Telophase?
The fourth phase of Mitosis, where the cytoplasm is pinched in the middle of the cell and chromosomes are moving at opposite ends of the cell...
What are 46 chromosomes?
The number amount of chromosomes found in each human body cell...
Reproduction can take a long time, slower
A Disadvantage of Sexual Reproduction...
What is a Zygote?
The resulting cell after fertilization has occurred...
What is a Mutation?
A permanent change in an organism's DNA
What is Interphase?
This phase is considered the "resting" phase...
1.) What is Prophase?
The first phase of Mitosis, where the nuclear membrane begins to dissolve and chromosomes become visible...
What is a Hermaphrodite?
An organism that contains both female and male reproductive systems...