Stem Changers e:i | Irregular 'go' verbs | Ver y Oír | Vocabulario |
pido pides pide pedimos pedís piden
Conjugate pedir?
hago haces hace hacemos
hacéis hacen
Conjugate Hacer on the board
An irregular 'yo' form verb
What type of verb is 'ver' classified as?
To see
What does ver mean?
Nosotros/ vosotros
Where do stem changers not occur in e:i stem changers?
pongo pones pone ponemos ponéis ponen
Conjugate poner orally
An irregular verb
What type of verb is 'oír' classified as?
To say/ to tell
What does decir mean?
spelling changer it drops the 'u'
What types of verbs are conseguir and seguir aside from being e:i stem changers
these go verbs sometimes lose a letter in their stem, keep the stem or randomly pick up a letter in the stem.
What is unique about these 'go' verbs compared to 'tener' and 'venir' ?
To be able to pronounce them correctly
What is the best way to memorize the conjugations of oír?
To follow/ to continue
What does seguir mean?
repito repites repite repetimos repetís repiten
Conjugate repetir pon the board
Mis amigos y yo _____________(salir) al cine.
veo ves ve vemos veis ven
Conjugate ver orally
To bring
What does traer mean?
sigo sigues sigue seguimos seguís siguen
Conjugate seguir orally
Yo nunca _____________(decir) la verdad.
oigo oyes oye oímos oís oyen
Conjugate oír on the board (accents count!)
To get or to obtain
What does conseguir mean?