Carnivore Classification Rodent Reference Scientific Symmetry How many are there? Literally Lakes
What is the Bobcat.
This small member of the Felidae family is also known as Lynx rufus.
What is Rodentia.
This order contains mice, voles and squirrels.
What is gulo.
This four-letter word is both the Genus and the Species epithet for the Wolverine.
What is 4.
There are this many major zones in a lake.
What is Lake Williston.
This lake, north of Mackenzie, is the largest lake in British Columbia
What is the American Marten.
This member of the Mustelidae family is the bread-and-butter of the trapping industry.
What is the American Beaver.
This fresh water member of the Genus Castor is the second largest rodent in the world.
What is alces.
This one-syllable word is repeated a second time in the scientific name for Moose.
What is 5.
In British Columbia, a wetland is classified into one of this many categories.
What is high specific heat.
This important characteristic of water gives a lake a more stable temperature regime than terrestrial environments.
What is the Grizzly Bear.
This member of the Genus Ursus is listed as big game but not as a fur-bearer.
What is the Northern Flying Squirrel.
This rodent, known scientifically as Glaucomys sabrinus, is nocturnal and has what is known as a patagium.
What is mephitis.
This three-syllable word applies for both the genus and species epithet for the Striped Skunk.
What is 8.
Out of the 18 orders of mammals found worldwide, we have this many orders represented in British Columbia.
What is 4 degrees Celsius.
This temperature is when water is heaviest and is often the temperature of the deepest water in a lake.
What is the Fisher.
Also known as Martes pennanti, this carnivore lives in interior forests.
What is the Douglas's Squirrel.
This member of the Tamiasciurus Genus is identified by its red or orange colored belly.
What is dalli or canadensis.
This word is repeated twice in the scientific name for a member of Genus Ovis.
What is 800 million.
The fur industry is valued at more than this amount of money in Canada.
What is the profundal zone.
This zone of a lake is the deep water zone and often has less life in it.
What is Mustelidae.
This family of carnivores is represented by eight genera and 12 species here in BC.
What is the Common Muskrat
This rodent lives in riparian and freshwater habitats and is also called Ondatra zibethicus.
What is the Plains Bison.
This species of Bovid used to have the same word repeated three times for a latin name.
What is 193.
This many species of mammal are distributed throughout a diversity of habitats in Canada.
What is oligotrophic.
A lake that is clear, poor in nutrients and has high light penetration is often referred to by this term.

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