Ed Psych Bible Youth Group Ministry Opportunities Potpourri
What is schema?
When teaching new ideas, it is important to build on previously known knowledge, also known as this.
What is 66?
The number of books in the Bible.
What is an AAR (After Action Report)?
After each lesson, you should do this to ask yourself what went well, what didn't go well and how could it be done better.
What is ministry of inclusion or Ministry with people who have special needs?
In this specialized ministry, it is important to remember that what works for one person, works for one person.
What are 1. Love Jesus and 2. Don't be stupid?
These are Aaron's two rules.
What is sensorimotor?
According to Piaget, Object Permanence is the most important accomplishment of this stage of development.
What is 39?
The number of books in the Old Testament.
What is building relationships?
This is the most important thing you can do as a youth ministry professional and is the key to leadership.
What is outdoor ministry?
This ministry can enhance your youth group in a variety of ways including: a quick way to get to the 13-hour rule, a safe environment, fun, good Christian role models, a place to be authentic...
What is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism?
According to Kenda Creasy Dean, this is the biggest challenge we face in youth ministry.
What is Multiple Intelligences?
There are many different learning types. Howard Gardner called them this.
What is 27?
The number of books in the New Testament
What is the Ministry of Presence?
There are times when we should shut up and listen. It is better to to say nothing. This is called...
What is faith-webbing?
An intergenerational approach to ministry as described by Gary Pecuch.
What is Scripture? (Would also accept Faith, Jesus, etc)
Games should always have a connection to this.
What is Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs?
According to this, a person's basic needs must be met before self-actualization can be achieved.
What is the Apocrypha?
The name of the set of books between the Old and New Testament.
What is risk management?
These are examples of an important topic that should always be in the forefront of your mind: avoid, control, transfer, accept
What is fundraising?
In this aspect of ministry, it is critically important to connect the "what" with the "why."
Who is Erikson?
While Jenny prefers Piaget, Aaron prefers this psychologist's stages of development.
What is (4 of the following) naturalistic, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, existential, Logical-mathematical.
These are 4 of the 9 Multiple Intelligences.
What are Hermeneutics?
The lenses we use to read the Bible.
Who is your insurance agent?
This is your best resource when planning for Risk Management in the church.
What are service/mission trips?
"Does it look like Jesus" may be the most important question to ask when considering these opportunities with your youth group.
What are materials, big idea, scripture, procedure, estimate of time, evaluation, connection to life?
Every lesson plan should have these components.

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