Mechanism of action | Monitoring | Side effects | PK/PD | Mystery! |
What is the T cell
Thymoglobulin works by total depletion of what type of cell
What is increase in WBC count
What change would you expect to see on a CBC the day after a dose of IV methylprednisolone?
What is drowsiness
What is not a side effect of IV methylprednisolone- hyperglycemia, drowsiness, mood changes?
What is false
True false: the effects of IV methylprednisolone only last for a few hours.
What is 5:4
What is the conversion of prednisone to methylprednisolone?
What is CD20
What is the target of rituximab?
What is CD3+ count
What parameter can you use to measure the efficacy of thymoglobulin
What is rigors, myalgias, headache, fever, shivering
Name 2 symptoms of a thymoglobulin infusion reaction
What is 12 months
Thymoglobulin can cause lymphopenia for up to how long?
What is serum of rabbits
Thymoglobulin is obtained from where?
What is proteosomes (found in plasma cells)
What is the target of bortezomib?
What is hepatitis B
What serology should be obtained prior to starting rituximab?
What is flu-like symptoms
What is the delayed side effect of IVIG?
What is 12 - 15 months
Rituximab effects can last for up to how long?
What is sucrose
Which component of IVIG is associated with renal dysfunction?
What is a. proposed mechanism: specific type of IgG binds to the inhibitory Fc receptor on inflammatory cells
b. Neutralization of complement fixing antibodies c. Alteration in the activity of complement d. Modulation of Fc receptor activation and function e. Regulation of T and B lymphocytes
Name one of the mechanisms of action of IVIG
What is remove donor specific antibodies
What is the goal of plasmapheresis?
What is chest pain, arrhythmia
What cardiac side effect can rituximab cause with infusion?
What is 3 or 4 weeks
How long does the immune effect of IVIG typically last?
What is CD19
What laboratory marker can we use to measure the efficacy of rituximab? (hint- not cd20)
What is activator protein 1, NF-KB
What is the target of steroids in the T-cell activation process
What is CBC with diff or liver function test
Name a lab you would recommend for monitoring bortezomib
What is peripheral neuropathy
Which side effect is improved with subcutaneous administration of bortezomib?
What is 3 – 4 weeks
Name one of the CYP enzymes that bortezomib is metabolized through
What is ACE inhibitors
What class of medications is contraindicated within 24 hours of plasmapheresis?