Conferences | Structure of CASC | CASC Fun Facts |
What is the Region 9 Spring Leadership Conference
The full name of the conference you are at right now
What is Region 9
The region of CASC we are in
What is UCSB
The location of CASC Summer Camp
What are 3 state wide in year conferences
CASC has this many state wide in year conferences
What is 12 regions
The total amount of regions in CASC
What is @casc.region.9
The instagram handle of our region
What is 2 in year conferences
The amount of in year conferences CASC holds in Sacramento
What are the state and execuctive branchs
The 2 branches of state council
Who were Reagan and Gorbachev
The 2 world leaders that CASC students presented to in 1987
What are the Student Advisory Board on Education, the Student Advisory Board on Legislation in Education, and the Youth Action Summit of California
The full name of the 3 in year conferences
Who is Ellie Lian
The outgoing state president
Who is Buddy Thompson
The name of the dog of the executive director June Thompson AKA DOC!